From our earliest days, we've been taught how to read. We usually read for information. Sometimes we read because we will be tested on the information we read. Because of this, we our reading is an attempt to master the material. While reading scripture for information is vital, only reading for information can keep us from discovering and developing depth with God. Pondering reminds us to slow down. We ponder by reading and re-reading smaller sections of scripture, listening for God to speak through his Word. We read formatively rather than informationally because we seek depth, not just quantity. We invite you to join us on this formational journey!
Curt and David met in 1983 when Curt played guitar at his church. Four years later, they ran into each other by chance at seminary. Since that time, they have continued to deepen their friendship through "doing life together". Since beginning this project, their appreciation, friendship, and love have grown even more.
Our culture encourages us to be masters of whatever we do. If our goal was to "know" more about the bible, we would follow some plan to read through the bible in a year, or perhaps 90 days. Our desire is not to master the bible, but to allow the bible to master us. That means we must slow down so we might hear God whisper and speak through his word.
I laughed so hard but also discovered God's love!
Curt taught me everything I know about the bible and life!
I'm not sure what happened. I did a search for fungus and ended up here. Wondering if I typed "fun guys" instead.