New Year, New Opportunities
It's a new year! How will 2023 be different than 2022?

We all like new starts and there’s no better time to make new plans than the first of a new year. Perhaps this year you are considering a new diet plan, a new wardrobe, better mental health, a vow to experience more culture by visiting museums and concerts, or to stay home and work on the garden of our dreams.

Interestingly, we rarely make commitments to increase the negatives of life. I’ve never heard of someone deciding to drink more alcohol or waste more time in front of the television. I know of no one who wants to become obese, cuss out more cashiers, or drive more dangerously in school zones. Our New Year commitments always point us to the better version of ourselves.

Of course, many of us create resolutions that quickly fade within the first month. Our dedication to the change melts faster than the snow of an Indiana blizzard! Committing to personal growth and spiritual betterment is not always easy, but we have a way to help you along that path.

Daily Devotions

For those of you who are new to Pondering Passages, we invite you to join us in the practice of reading the same passage every day for a week in preparation for the coming week’s discussion. For instance, if we’re going to discuss Mark 1:1-8, we would read that daily to learn what God might want to say to us in those words. When we come together, we allow the passage to guide the discussion: How did God speak to me? What did God say to you? How do those truths and insights impact our relationship with God? How does it lead us in a formative way?

You can use your Bible app to read the passage to you, or you can mark the passage in your Bible to make it easier to find each day.

We’ve learned over the years that even reading an entire Psalm every day usually takes less than five minutes. The time commitment is minimal, but daily commitment is life changing!

Sundays at Saint Paul

This year, the Very Reverend Doctor David Mullens is leading his congregation at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Bloomington through the book of Mark. Beginning on January 8, he will take passages (some small, some big) from this Gospel and help us all better understand God’s grace and love through this beautiful writing. I’m inviting you join via YouTube or Facebook to watch the sermons and dive in deep with the teaching and life lessons.

As a side note, David is one of the best preachers in the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. He brings to life the Word of God in ways that move me each week. This is a sermon series that will help you connect to the passage and God’s desire for your heart and soul, I promise.

Pondering Passages Blog

In addition, we’ll post weekly blogs right here that reflect on the passages selected for the week’s sermon. The blogs will be a short musing on key words or short phrases of Mark. We’ll ponder the insights that Mark offers and the words and actions of Jesus, and how they can impact and influence our spiritual development.

Pondering Passages, Psalms – Videos & Podcasts

We continue our Ponderings of Psalms on the Video and Podcasts into 2023. As of this posting, we’re completing Psalm 28 and will continue through Psalm 68, which should take us into the late part of October or early November. When we started this project in May 2020, we were already reading Psalm 69 together. You can watch the videos on this website, on YouTube, or download the podcasts to take them along for your listening pleasure.

Facebook & Instagram

Join the conversation on our Social Media platforms. Post your own thoughts about our content. Ask questions. Like our posts or share with your friends.

As you can see, we have much to offer in the New Year! (It’s one of my own resolutions.) Join us for the conversations. Follow along for the ride! You won’t be disappointed.

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