New Year, New Opportunities
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
It's a new year! How will 2023 be different than 2022?
Merry Christmas!
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
Seasons of Change
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
What if we saw the white of snow as the beginning of something great?
Psalm 8 – An Incredible Question
By David | | 0 Comments |
The Psalmist asks an incredible question. What is there about us that causes God to care for us?
LORD, Hear Our Prayer
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
For all these requests, and so much more, LORD, hear our prayer.
Rest for the Weary
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Rather than worry, we can experience peace. Instead of concern we can rest in the safety of God's arms!
Dysfunction Junction
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Some of us deal with family drama all the time. Some face ongoing arguments, betrayal, back-biting and stabbing and extreme disappointment. If we're being truthful with one another, we might have to confess that we might have caused a few of our own dramatic moments and family dramatics.
The Age-Old Problem & Solution
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
I'm certainly not a geo-political analyst, but I'm struggling to get my brain around the war in Ukraine. I'm stymied by the lack of response on a global level; just as I'm baffled that Syria has yet to find a resolution, and yet that terrible situation has fallen off the news radar. But eastern Europe isn't the only place where anger drives the powerful.
The Most Magical Place on Earth
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
When is the last time you found absolute delight? What brings you so much joy that you "light up" at the very thought of it?
The First Sunday of Lent
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Offering intercessory prayer means granting other Christians the same right we have received...