The Power of Prep & the Journey of Lent
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
A few years back I elected to run a 5K.
Fat Tuesday & Other Problems
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
If there was a prototype for the worst possible version of humanity, Cain certainly fits the bill.
A Presidents’ Day Prayer
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Despite your political affiliation, your party preference, or your left/right leanings, this passage challenges us to pray for those leaders who guide and direct our nation. We might not agree with their foreign policy, but we'd better pray for peace. We might not like their choice for the Supreme Court, their latest news conference or press release, but we'd best give thanks for them anyway.
To Err
By Curt Austin | | 2 Comments |
We all make mistakes. I'm a champion at this.
A Prayer
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
"But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer."Psalm
Power Hungry
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
We want the payoff without the work. We want the power without the suffering. We want the benefit of the relationship without the commitment to the responsibility that comes with it.
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
Rather than one thing, I choose another. Over this, I elect that. In place of option A, I experience the benefit of option B.
Living Desperate Lives
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of
Battle Ready
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
"Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you
The Source
By Curt Austin | | 0 Comments |
"And he will be the source of peace." Micah 5:5a